Travel Blog
The worst part of going on a huge trip is the traveling. If you’re doing this on a budget you are going to be riding a lot of busses. There are ways to make sure you have the best buss experience you can.
1) Get night busses. Nothing better than leaving Panama at 8 in the night and waking up on the borders of Costa Rica the next morning. Sleeping on the bus avoids all potential annoying problems.
2) Bring a portable DVD player. Have nothing more to talk about? Want to forget your going to be on a bus for the next 7 hours on a great day? Watch a DVD and time will fly by.
3)Bring a notebook and write down all the funny things that have happened. You’ll be happy you did when the trip is over. You’ll be surprised of the inspiration you get while on a bus.
4) bring a game of chess. Exercise your mind a bit. Passes time greatly
Follow these tips and your sure to enjoy your time!